Little Flower Affiliations
Archdiocese of Washington
The Archdiocese of Washington is home to 58,000 Catholics.
Little Flower School
Little Flower School is a caring Catholic school community promoting spiritual growth and academic excellence.The John Carroll Society
The John Carroll Society is an association of Catholic laypersons united in their desire for an ever deepening and enriching knowledge of their faith and in service to the Cardinal of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC. Little Flower's Pastor Reverend Monsignor Peter J. Vaghi serves as Chaplain for The John Carroll Society.
St. Patrick's Parish - Washington, DC
Church of St. Patrick's in the City, 619 Tenth St. NW, Washington, DC 20001, (202) 347-2713.
St. Patrick's Church is the oldest parish in the Federal City of Washington, DC. Their website contains a wealth of information of interest to our Catholic community.
The Vatican
Official site for the Vatican, hub of the Catholic Church.