Preparation for Marriage
Once the celebrant has agreed to conduct a marriage and the date has been fixed, the couple is asked to participate in a program of preparation to help them reach a deeper understanding of Christian marriage.
The couple is requested to meet with the celebrant as needed. The celebrant conducts the pre-nuptial investigation, obtains baptismal certificates, and fills out dispensations when the case requires. He will also instruct the couple in the Church's teachings on Marriage. Finally, the celebrant will help the couple plan their liturgical ceremony.
As marriage is a sacrament, the couple should prepare themselves by prayer and reception of the sacraments, above all, by regular participation in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. Preparation for marriage begins long before the ceremony. A couple develops attitudes towards Christian living well in advance of meeting each other. An active life of faith, hope and charity, nourished by prayer and the sacraments, is the best preparation for a lifelong Christian marriage. The couple will be unable to appreciate their own wedding ceremony, which is by nature religious, if they do not cultivate their Faith.