Parts of the Mass
The organist, and/or other musicians will play prelude music for 10 or 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the service. It is not necessary to select preludes, or to put them in the program. If nothing is selected the organist will choose what to play.
The processional marks the beginning of the service, and accompanies the entrance of the entire bridal party. A hymn may be sung for the processional, but most frequently an instrumental piece is requested. Sometimes a second processional is chosen especially for the entrance of the bride, but this is not necessary.
If the psalm is to be sung (not read) then the organist and cantor are responsible for finding a musical setting of the text that you have selected.
Alleluia/Gospel Acclamation
Either the Gregorian Alleluia or the Celtic Alleluia is strongly recommended.
The offertory is when the gifts are brought to the altar and prepared. It is appropriate to sing a hymn at this time or to have an instrumental or vocal piece.
Holy, Holy and Eucharistic Acclamations
These parts of Mass are sung every Sunday and there are many settings that are commonly in use. If no setting is requested the organist and cantor will select one.
Communion may be accompanied by a hymn, or an instrumental or vocal selection. Generally speaking, music at communion is of a meditative nature.
Presentation of Flowers to the Blessed Virgin Mary
This is an optional, popular, devotion. If chosen, it is appropriate to sing the Ave Maria or another Marian hymn here.
The Recessional should be an uplifting instrumental piece to conclude the liturgy.